Get Educated About Bonsai Over the Winter by Bill Valavanis

By now your winter hardy outdoor bonsai should be prepared for winter protection. If you forgot to bring some of your tropical or indoor species in the home you will have the opportunity to purchase new bonsai to fill their empty pots. But, even if damaged by cold weather, still bring them indoors as many will sprout new shoots from the trunk and a new bonsai form can be created. If you have problems contact Brussel’s Bonsai Nursery or a bonsai organization for assistance. They are friendly, offer excellent advice and are willing to help.
Since outdoor bonsai activities have slowed down or stopped, now is the time to begin or continue with your bonsai education. Your bonsai should improve with your knowledge. Join a bonsai club, attend workshops or regional conventions. Attend bonsai shows, they are a great learning opportunity, plus you might find something to add to your collection. Watch and learn from as many lectures and demonstrations that you can. They are not all good, however something can be learned from any program, even what not to do. There are several on line bonsai courses which are excellent and produced by Bonsai Empire. However, please consider the source when looking for bonsai help in the bonsai forums. Everyone who freely offers advice does not actually have a bonsai. Or, they had bonsai, which died and now have plenty of time to give suggestions. All bonsai instruction on YouTube is not reliable. There are many good ones, of course, however beware.
For a reputable and well photographed blog post to expand your bonsai understanding and appreciation checkout
There are numerous excellent bonsai books, many which can be ordered from Brussel’s Bonsai Nursery. On line sources also have a wide range of bonsai books, as do libraries. Ask for recommendations from your friends, bonsai clubs or nurseries. An excellent source for quality information beautifully photographed and produced is International BONSAI the first and only professional bonsai magazine published in the United States.
The holiday season is fast approaching and bonsai make excellent gift suggestions to both experienced hobbyists as well as newcomers to the art. Brussel’s Bonsai Nursery has a wide selection of both indoor and outdoor bonsai, which are well grown, trained and come with excellent instructions and customer service.
Enjoy your bonsai. Remember the more you learn, the easier it will be to create and maintain your bonsai collection.