Join a Bonsai Club

One great way to quickly increase your knowledge about bonsai is to join your local bonsai club. Bonsai Clubs International is an association of bonsai clubs around the world and offers an easy way to find a bonsai club near you. BCI’s website can be found at Another valuable resource is the American Bonsai Society whose website can be found at
I serve on the board of The National Bonsai Foundation, Inc. which was created to develop an international living museum of the art of bonsai and penjing at the U.S. National Arboretum. The National Bonsai Foundation has a remarkable collection of specimen bonsai trees most of which have been given to the United States by Japan. If you are ever in the Washington D.C. area, I urge you to visit our nation’s exceptional bonsai museum. In the meantime, you can visit the NBF website at
Brussel's Bonsai offers a 10% discount to Bonsai Club members. If you need help finding a bonsai club near you, give us a call at 800-582-2593 and we will steer you in the right direction.